Since the day we were founded as Zahit Aluminium, the issues of "protecting natural resources, ensuring effective waste management, minimising environmental pollution and recycling/recovery" have an important position in our company policy.
We Are Aware of the Risks Brought by the Climate Crisis
We are aware of the environmental, governance, and financial risks brought by the global climate crisis. Since December 11, 2019, we have integrated the European Green Deal, which supports the Paris Agreement in combating the global climate crisis, along with its resulting policies, into our company's sustainable growth strategies.
Our priority is investment in R&D and innovation.
Our priority is to invest in technology, innovative projects, R&D, and innovation to provide environmental and economic benefits in our sustainable growth. Since 2017, our established R&D Center conducts project research and studies focused on energy efficiency, environment, waste management, and sustainability.
We give direction Our Company Policy
In line with the European Green Deal call to become carbon-neutral by 2050, we have also orientated our company policy in this direction. We make our company open to development and transformation with seminars, meetings and trainings on ECC, emission trading system, carbon regulation mechanism at the border, carbon emission reduction methods.
We report our carbon footprint annually
In this context, we annually calculate and report the corporate carbon footprint of our company, which is one of the most important steps. As a result of our reports, we set annual carbon reduction targets and research environmental, energy efficiency and sustainability projects in order to make them applicable in our process. We report and monitor the impact of environmental and energy efficiency projects on our carbon emissions.
We are increasing our renewable energy generation capacity
We strive to source the energy used in our production processes from renewable sources and steadily increase our renewable energy generation capacity. By implementing effective waste management policies, we facilitate recycling to reduce resource consumption and support green transformation. Additionally, we aim to utilize carbon capture technologies and create carbon sinks to reduce carbon emissions.
Our activities are for a sustainable world
We adhere to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in minimizing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our activities for a sustainable world.
We aim for economic growth that respects social equality, diversity, and human rights, prioritizing our efforts in corporate sustainability by addressing our environmental issues through initiatives focusing on water, waste, energy, and carbon management.
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